Tuesday, October 18, 2005
I just took my last FRIGGIN midterm, thank christ. they were so hard. I hated life for a second. I put more pictures up on flickr. I really like some of them. I am in love my new digital camera. I wish the weather aound here would get nicer so I could go take pictures. It has been freezing and rainy for days. Up until now Madrid had been experiencing a drought, so its kind of strange.
I have the best boyfriend in the world, and he got a cellphone plan so he could call me all the way over here in spain. I am so excited to talk to my baby at times other than 8:45-9:30 PM and in places other than the locutorio. I don't know the english word for locutorio because we don't have them I don't think, but its a place where they have all these phone booths and you use them and then when you are done you pay at a little counter. Its nice because you don't get charged unless you hit a button to activate the call once the person on the other end has picked up, so if you get a machine or a wrong number its free. also they are really cheap.
So... it looks as though I won't be staying in Madrid as long as I thought. It is way too expensive, and also I am in love and it hard to do that across an ocean. Where should Randy and I move to next year? Any ideas. I say California he says Brooklyn, my dad says they are both too pricey. I would love to go back to New Orleans if I thought I could get a job, but I'm afraid the job market is going to be so unstable for at least a couple of years.
Monday, October 10, 2005
So in case you don't know I got a new digital camera. I am very excited about this prospect, since now I can... well take pictures. I hate going out to clubs. Yeah, hate it. Every mother fucking place here is like a hip hop club or a house club. Where oh where is my 80's night. I have been celebrating Ramadan with my new Muslim friends from school. That means from sun up to sunset you can't eat or drink anything. I´m hungry. Everynight however you eat alot, and we normally have been eating together. There are some pictures of one of the Morrocan Ftours we've had, and tonight I am going to another Saudi one. It is really interesting since all the information I've had on Islam before this had been filtered through American media. I am really glad for the chance to know these girls because I am learning a lot about cultures I otherwise might have written off. Nothing much new to report here. It looks like I´ll be staying at the hostal another month at least. I am really wanting to get out of there and into my own place, though.
Teaching is going ok, although the eldest Bueno girl recently told me I was boring. I think it had more to do with the fact she thought she was getting out of a lesson on Friday that she ended up having to do. Whats boring about a mother sasquatch being shot down in cold blood by the FBI while protecting her offspring?? Nothing I can see. I also started sessions with the Dra., since she has some sort of medical conference in New York to attend, and is worried about her accent. Soon she will be commenting about the "shahks" and how "wicked" hot it is like every other normal american. I am so glad I can be doing the country of Spain such a service.