Monday, February 28, 2005
It's all taken care of. I'm accepted. If I want and can afford to, I may spend the next 3 years of my life in Spain. This is a tough corwd, by the way, I can't beleive I got NO COMMENTS on the fact I have the opportunity to move out of the country.
2:58 PM |
Friday, February 25, 2005
Yesterday I received a mixed blessing, in the form of an e-mail. It's amazing the emotions one can go through upon viewing one little electronic message. The subject heading was "Congratulations!". Here's how the rest of it was:
Estimado Matthew, I am writing to inform you that you have been admitted to the Saint Louis University, Madrid Campus for the fall 2005 semester. ¡ENHORABUENA! This admission is conditional, however, upon obtaining and maintaining a minimum GPA of at least 3.0 this spring. We congratulate you on your admission and look forward to having you study with us in Spain.
It went on to talk bout the stuff I would need, etc.... But that's not important right now. I GOT IN! I GOT IN! I'M GOING TO SPAIN! My main goal of the last two years achieved! THE ONLY goal I've ever had in my entire life, basically. I've succeeded. ME. No one else did this for me. So why was I crying? I was crying because the stress was over. I didn't have to wait anymore. I knew. There was something else though. Now it was real. Now I am going across the ocean. Who knows when I'll be back. Now it was clear that things were going to be very different. And I would have to say goodbye to Randy. And I don't want to. I really like him you guys. I know everybody is going to say "Well you hardly know him, and you've wanted this for so long." and you'd be right. And I've thought that, and he's thought that. But it doesn't help. I don't want anything to change (well it would be great if he lives here, or I there, or both of us in the same wherever). I don't want to forget what it feels like to like him this much. And how it feels to be liked in return.
Here is the real kicker. After I flipped out for like 2 hours, being sad and ecstatic within seconds of one another, I reread the email, and the attachments. They accepted me as a visiting student. NOT as a transfer student, as far as I can tell. Which would mean I would have to make arrangements with this University about going over there, and then coming back HERE when it was over. This is NOT what I wanted. NO, not at all. I want to run away to Spain. I do not want any ties to New Orleans. Anymore ties to America than necessary. I emailed the academic advisor, but she NEVER emails me back. I am going to have to call over there. Lord knows how I am going to do that. One thing for sure though, it won't be from the guesthouse.
8:30 AM |
Saturday, February 19, 2005
So much has happened. Um lets see Josh came two Fridays ago and I helped him surprise Collette, but then lo and behold josh hit us with a double shot and surprised me with Joey from P! Adriana and Bill's housewarming party was a huge success thanks in no small part to tequila station. My friend Misha, a foreign exchange student from Georgia (the country y'all, the country), was bombarded with gayness that culminated when I woke up next to him in a hotel bed and was trying to cuddle him. I think he is scarred for life. Tq's art show was another smashing success (as far as being a fun place to be, I don't think he sold much art). His stuff is really good. I met his sister and her boyfriend who convinced me that going to Hattiesburg would be in my best interest because its up and coming. Oh this lady told me that she is having an art show at the same place for Cinco de Mayo and I totally want to go. Don't let me forget. Which leads me to VALENTINE'S DAY! Randy was my first ever real valentine, that wasn't like a friend or my mom. Randy got me a dozen BEAUTIFUL roses (also the first flowers a guy ever gave me.)they came with a little stuffed bear too. I cried, cuz I'm lame. I got him a build a bear bunny rabbit, because they are his favorite. And I also mailed him a laminated photo of a human heart that I covered with stage blood. Only true like can inspire you to mail photos of organs. He is really cute, and has a great bellybutton. I have given up the following things for Lent:
smoking drugs masturbation/ casual sex coca-cola
I totally broke all those vows already (except casual sex). I didn't even make it 14 days, let alone 40. But I am going to area 51* the fact that I broke em and try and make it till Easter from this point on. Wish me luck.
*For those of you who don't know, Area 51 occurs while playing padiddle. When two or more people hit the roof AND say padiddle at the same time, it is considered an "Area 51" and nobody get a point, and it's as though the padiddle never happened in the first place. ** You may have noticed some changes in this entry from its original form. I don't want to talk about them, and we're going to area 51 that too.
11:02 PM |
Friday, February 04, 2005
For some reason in the last few days I am become overcome with a desire to post here on the blog and also upload stuff to Flickr. I also went through all my old pictures and added tags to as many as i could. I don't know whats uo with me. I've become a picture posting fool. There is a bunch of new ones up there form new years and from when Randy came to visit me. None from when I went to visit him though. I didn't take a camera. Blah!
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
When we last left off with me in Birmingham I had just surprised Randy at his job, and he was beaucoup excited-cited. SO then I had to wander around for 3 hours in this gigantic mega-plaza while he finished his shift. I mostly sat around/ loitered in Barnes and Nobles reading The Puritan Dilemma for my history class, and drinking up all there free ice water with lemon. Finally Randy got out of work, and we were off to the show. The performance space, called Cave 9, was nothing too great. Especially since it was an all ages place that didn't serve alcohol and you couldn't smoke in. That meant there was a lot of young kids too. Everyone was pretty cool though, no assholes. Randys friends were all nice, and Randy's bandmates were the best. I mostly hung out with Angelica by the door all night. The lineup was something this, I'm sure not sure about the order:
There soooo many people (all of whom were close friends of Randy, apparently) and it was a really great show. Most of the bands were not really the kind of music I am into, but Randy really liked all of them and he is way pickier about music than me so check them out anyway. I DID really like some of We vs The Shark's stuff and I always like everything Fratelli does. And I am not just saying that either, I think they are really good. Were, I guess. =(
After the show we went to some Middle Eastern place I think called Al's or something. The guys from Recovery period were there and they were really funny. The place also has a really good veggie burger, if you are in the neighborhood. We left there and were so so so tired. We took home Randy;s friend ?Larua? I think her name was. This girl was so great, she was one of the people that stands out the most that I met. She is a clothing designer, among other things, and when we went in her house she had SOOOO much awesome art stuff that she did. Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.
Then it was just me and Randy. I wasn't allowed to sleep at his place because he lives with his parents, and they are slightly disapproving of his gayness, so we ended up at the Hampton Inn. That was the first time I had ever stayed at hotel with a boy like that, so I thought it was really fun. We got free toothbrushes and deodorant!
Next day we missed the free breakfast at the hotel because we slept in. It was ham and eggs too. Nuts! We checked out of the hotel and drove to Randy's house. I got to meet his mom, she is super nice. And his cat Marty. THEN we went to Michael's house to pick him up. He is Randy's best friend, and also former bandmate. He is really cool, I like him a lot. After he tried on what seemed like everything he owned and back again, we headed out to eat. We couldn't decide on a place, and we were running out of time before the civil rights museum closed, so we ended up eating at Randy's favorite hot dog place, Gus' Famous ( I know the thing says Pete's Famous, I don't know, ask Randy) The guy in that picture if you follow that link, was actually there when I went. He called me "Mustard" because that's all I wanted on my hotdog (which apparently doesn't go over well in there) Michael was "Beef and Cheese" and for some reason Randy was "Baby". The place is SOOO skinny you can't sit down. Everybody lines up, you order your hotdog, Gus gives it to you. Then you can either leave or eat there. If you eat there (which we did) you go all the way to the back wall and eat your hotdog standing up. When you are done Gus' wife rings you up and then you have to squeeze by all the people waiting in line so you can get out. It was good though.
Then we went to the civil right museum, and it was REALLY cool. I was so glad I went. We had pretty much the run of the place, but at one point we came across a black man and his daughter (she was maybe 8) going through the exhibits, and I was crying right there in the museum because she asked him "Why couldn't those people sit where they wanted on the bus?" and I just couldn't imagine being in that man's position. How do you explain to your child that people hate her for no good reason? You want to protect her from the world, but you also want her to know what to expect. It's just gross, and I hope one day all that father will have to say is "People were strange back then, I suppose."
After the museum we went to go visit Michael's girlfriend, Joy, at work. She is a whole lot of fun! And so cute! We were all supposed to eat together (yeah I was starving) but her break wasn't long enough so it was just me, Randy, and Michael who ended up going to Johnny Corino's. I know it's a chain place, but holy crap! It was so good! Maybe it was just because I was hungry, but I don't know. After dinner it was back to Randy's house so we could get some stuff to sleep over at Michael's. I said my goodbyes to Randy's mom, not before she hooked me up with a glass of wine, and it was time to party at Michaels. A bunch of people came over, most of who's names I don't remember. Codey (guitarist of the Great American Breakdown, I think?), Patrick (so fun!), and Jesse from Randy's band, a guy named Joey maybe?, Leigh Anne, and then like 6 teenage girls and some more guys. It was fun. There was gin and beer. We played The Best Game Ever! (If you don't know what it is, find somebody who does, because its real fun, but I don't know how to explain it in this format.) Everybody left, Randy and I slept on the inflatable mattress.
My last day in Birmingham was a sad one indeed. My train was late, so randy had to leave me at the station so he could go have birthday cake with his fam. (But not before he took me to Arby's. It was my first time there, and woah. I like roast beef sandwiches.) The train ride home was long long long. I ended up having dinner in the dining car, which was ok. I wanted the special, but they "ran out" (even though this guy that came in after me ordered it and got it DAMN YOU AMTRAK!) so I had to have T-bone steak. I don't like steak that much. Then I got home and I ended up WALKING all the way from the train station.
And that completes my trip to Birmingham. There was come cuddlin' and kissin' going on in there, but a gentleman doesn't kiss and tell... in explicit detail. But I sure do miss it. *sigh*
p.s. I hope you enjoy all those links. I was really bored at work.
This was a Myspace message I sent to somebody, but I felt like it was such good work I should share it with you all.
I am at school right now. Actually I'm a little ticked. You see, there are a limited number of computers in the computer lab ( as there are in any computer lab not containing an infinite amount of computers) and when they get filled up, you sort of mill around the door in this blob that should be a line. Well I was doing just that along with a heavy set girl who was before me when Captain Ass Face of the Ass Face Patrol busts through us and proceeds to walk around looking for open computers! Of course there weren't any or else me and Chuckles wouldn't be standing there, SO ANYWAY one frees up just then and Captain goes for it, so I use my body to pen him in between a pillar and the doorway and let Chuckles take it, because she was there first. Just then ANOTHER computer becomes free and The leader of all that is Ass Face takes the computer that is rightfully mine! What planet is this he is from where the rules of waiting in line do not apply?? I would like to reassign his head to another not pleasant location of his body. THEN I had to wait a fitful 45-60 seconds for another computer to free up feeling wronged and angry all the while glaring at CAF. I wish I could speak with his mother.