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Maybe We Could Talk In The

Sunday, August 29, 2004  
and so it was last night I started to realize why the night and darkness are usually associated with evil, fear, the devil, etc... I was stir crazy in my own house. Riddled with dissatification self doubt and other such things I franticly searched for something to do. Filled to the brim with "the loud thoughts" and anxiety, I put some clothes on and went outside, only to realize I had nowhere to go. I need a phone.

8:33 PM |

Friday, August 27, 2004  
I handed in my first college type assignment today. It was for my English class. I was supposed to be a page from our non existent autobiography. My paper ended up being a little more personal that I wanted it to be, I almost didn't want to hand it in. Who is this woman I hardly met to see me so naked? But I gave it to her anyways, because I don't want to fail and I didn't write anything else.

I am going to be spending a lot of time in this here computer lab I can already tell.

I was walking down royal street last night and some broad playing a guitar in front of the Danske store was playing Angel by Sarah M. It made me think of Amanda and how she never wanted to listen to it on the radio. Actually every time I hear that song that's what I think of. But I stopped and listened, and then turned back and put a dollar in her box. I think Amanda would have too.

9:35 AM |

Thursday, August 26, 2004  
Isn't it weird how things go down? I can't remember the last time I wrote anything on here, but as I sit here in the computer lab of the college I now attend, I can't think of anything I'd rather do. Could it be because my next class isn't for another 4 hours? Yes, I suppose it could. Also all the fun kids from my San Francisco trip have little journals and blogs and hoo-wah, so why not me? I fall in love at least 15 times a day. My heart races and I get nervous and my palms sweat and I have to look away from him (whoever he is this time) I fall in lust at least 20 times that amount. I guess you might call it boy crazy. I just think I appreciate beauty. In boys. No thats not true. I stop and smell flowers a lot too. And stare at bugs, and clouds. I think my infatuation with boys is just because they provide the most stimuli. You can gaze at them, smell them, taste them, hold them all while they do it back to you. I am just impulsive. Or maybe I'm a slut.

9:04 AM |

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